Nelsa Curbelo


Nelsa Libertad Curbelo Cora born Montevideo, Uruguay November 1, 1941. Ecuadorean peacemaker; former nun. General coordinator, human rights organization SERPAJ. Member of Mediation Commission for the indigenous uprising of Ecuador, 1990. Witnessed Contras arms handover to the Sandinista government, Nicaragua, 1990. Participated in peace agreement between guerrillas and Guatemalan government, 1996. Founded Ser Paz ("Being Peace") with Guayaquil youth gangs, 1999. Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2005.


"Nothing is more revolutionary than love. . . Love is the greatest power in the universe. Love is more powerful than violence, more powerful than the atomic bomb. Love has the power to transform lives, to change cities and the whole world. Only love has this deep creative power. I am absolutely sure of it." (quote & photo Huffington Post, Aug. 13, 2013)