Monica Sjöö


Monica Sjöö born Härnösand, Västernorrland, Sweden December 31, 1938 (d. 2005). Swedish radical anarcho-feminist, ecologist, author, and painter. Active in anti-Vietnam War movement. Joined 100 Greenham Peace Camp women in pilgrimage to Stonehenge, 1985.


When we look around today at the world generated by the male Gods of patriarchal rule, we see warfare, degradation, suffering, and sadism on a scale such as earth has never seen, nor will ever see again—for of course if we don’t end it, it will surely end us.

"This perpetual success of war and failure of peace is then said to be 'the human condition'—but it is only the condition of humans under patriarchy.

"We must become beings who do not wish to control life, but only to listen to its music, and dance it. . . But it is our only alternative to mass death—whether by war, or by total global mechanization. The patriarchal God has only one commandment: Punish life for being what it is. The Goddess also has only one commandment: Love life, for it is what it is.” (The Great Cosmic Mother; photo Green Woman Stores)