Ann Wright


Ann Wright born Durant, Oklahoma, July 22, 1946. Since her resignation from the US

government in 2003 in opposition to the US war on Iraq, Ann has worked with many

peace organizations including Veterans for Peace, CODEPINK: Women for Peace,

Women Cross the DMZ, and Gaza Freedom Flotilla.  She has spoken about the role of

dissent and about the need to reduce the US military presence around the world.  Ann

has been arrested many times for speaking out in the US Congress in peaceful,

nonviolent protest of war policies of three administrations.  She is the co-author of

“Dissent: Voices of Conscience.”


“It is a blind spot in the American government’s look at the world, and tragically I’m

afraid that it’s a blind spot in the psyche of many Americans that we don’t recognize

what our government does that causes such anger around the world and causes some

people to take violent and lethal action against Americans.”