Elisabetta Zamparutti


Elisabetta Zamparutti born Cermes, Bolzano, Italy October 1, 1964. Radical nonviolence advocate; opponent of drones, death penalty. Member of European Parliament, 2008-present.


"It is the manifestation of the Reason of State, State Secrecy, showing itself again after fifty years with tremendous technological and structural capabilities running amok, the same manifestation that Ike Eisenhower prophetically warned against a half-century ago in referring to the 'military-industrial-congressional complex' as the greatest threat to the world and the United States itself. Emblematic of this point of view is the use of the United States of armed drones for the 'targeted' elimination of certain people based on decision processes veiled in secrecy... The Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon declared that 'The use of armed drones, like every other arm, should be subject to international law, including international human rights law.' We believe that an International Pact to at least regulate such practices should be put in act if not, as I believe should be done, to ban them outright, as has been done with anti-personnel mines and weapons of mass destruction." (introduction to Hands off Cain Report 2014; photo liquida.it)