Sabina Cehajic-Clancy


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Sabina Čehajić-Clancy born Sarajevo, Bosnia, Yugoslavia June 9, 1980. Psychology professor; expert in post-conflict reconciliation.


The importance of intergroup contact for the process of public acknowledgment of one's group responsibility for committed atrocities. . . affirming a positive aspect of the self can increase one's willingness to acknowledge ingroup responsibility for wrongdoings against others, express feelings of group-based guilt, and consequently provide greater support for reparation policies.” (“On Moral Responsibility”, Mar. 9, 2018)

Studies showed significant positive changes after the contact interventions that highlighted and focused on documented stories of individuals (moral exemplars) saving the lives of their adversaries. We found that focusing on moral exemplars increased reconciliatory beliefs due to enhanced forgiveness.” (“Fostering reconciliation through historical moral exemplars”, Journal of Peace Psychology, Aug. 2017; photo Association for Psych. Science)