Frances Moore Lappe


Frances Moore Lappé born Pendleton, OR February 10, 1944. Author; activist; advocate for social change and sustainable living. Graduate of Quaker Earlham College, 1966. Wrote best-selling book Diet for a Small Planet, 1971. Recipient of Right Livelihood Award, 1987.


I had supported the U.S. position on the Vietnam War for years, finally I became too uncomfortable merely accepting the government's word. I set out to discover the facts for myself. Why were we fighting? I read everything I could find on U.S. government policy in Vietnam. Within a few weeks, my world began to turn upside down. I was in shock. I functioned, but in a daze. I had grown up believing my government represented me—my basic ideals. Now I was learning that 'my' government was not mine at all.” (Diet for a Small Planet, 1971)

What an extraordinary time to be alive. We’re the first people on our planet to have real choice: We can choose death; or we can choose life.” (Robert Shetterly, Americans Who Tell The Truth, 2005; 2009 photo Wikipedia)