Jeanne Melin


Jeanne Mélin born Carignan, Ardennes, France September 7, 1877 (d. 1964). French novelist and poet; absolute pacifist and feminist; co-founder WILPF; opposed both World Wars and Cold War; founded Association for Peace through Law 1901; advocated peace education 1907; ran for President 1947.


"Right to life, the base of human rights." (Dec. 13, 1936, in Isabelle Vahé, "Entre ombres et lumieres." p. 8, 2006)

"Down with war! This is the call of all the innocent victims." (April 25, 1915 to Aletta Jacobs, in Sandi Cooper, "French Feminists", Peace & Change, p. 23, Jan. 2011; photo univ. Angers)