Leah Rabin


Leah Rabin (née Schlossberg) born Königsberg, E. Prussia April 8, 1928 (d. 2000). Israeli peace advocate after murder of her Nobel laureate husband 1995.


"There is no alternative to the peace process. We are on the way, and these mines, these obstacles have to be overcome. The train of peace will go on and arrive at its destiny." ("Architects of Peace"; photo Santa Clara Univ.)

Rania of Jordan


Rania Al-Abdallah of Jordan born Kuwait August 31, 1970. Advocate of UNICEF, UN Women's Fund, UN Girls Education Initiative.


"No matter where we come from. . . what we look like. . . how we dress. . . or to whom we pray. . . When it comes to what makes us laugh or cry. . . when it comes to what we dream of for ourselves and for our children. . . when it comes to how hard we work each day. . . We are usually more alike than we are different." (Harvard University, May 3, 2007; 2009 photo Wikipedia)

Hagar Roublev


Hagar Roublev born Israel January 9, 1954. (d. 2000). Co-founder of 1988 anti-occupation vigils Women in Black, Paris Square, Jerusalem, a place renamed Hagar in her honor.


I came home covered in spit.” (Gila Svirsky website)

We need to work together in order to change the system [of war].” (“Education and Peace” conference Belgrade, Nov. 11, 2004; photo wikicommons)