Louie Bennett


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Louie Bennett born Rathgar, Dublin, Ireland January 7, 1870 (d. 1956). Irish suffragist, peace activist, labor leader, and novelist. Anti-colonialist; anti-militarist. Member of WILPF and Fellowship of Reconciliation; delegate to League of Nations and International Labor Organization. Opposed World War I, conscription, 1918. Women’s Peace Committee mediator in civil war, 1922. Life partner of pacifist Helen Chenevix. Post-World War II advocate of nuclear disarmament.


A pacifist first, and before anything.” (Ellen Hazelkorn, Saothar, p. 34)

I do not care for a pacifism which is not truly international, which is not tolerant toward all nations.” (Sep. 3, 1966 to Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington, Hazelkorn, p. 34; photo irishtimes.com)