Hannah Hoch


Hannah Höch born Gotha, Germany November 1, 1889 (d. 1978). Anti-war Dada artist and feminist. Pioneer of photomontage, inspired by a poster of a soldier exalting German military glory on which she pasted a picture of her dull landlord. “Heads of State” showed men like the emperor without clothes, 1918; “Dada Panorama” made fun of generals in their spiked helmets, statesmen in bathing suits, and battle scenes, 1919. “The Little P” mocked Hitler, showing an orator with a drooling baby mouth, 1931.


It was not very easy for a woman to impose herself as a modern artist in Germany. . . Most of our male colleagues continued for a long time to look upon us as charming and gifted amateurs, denying us implicitly any real professional status.” (Feminist Art Archive; photo Wikipedia)