Tegla Loroupe


Tegla Loroupe born Kutomwony, Lelan, West Pokot District, Kenya May 9, 1973. Kenyan athlete, world marathon champion, won NY Marathon 1994; founded Tegla Laroupe Peace Foundation 2003, bringing peace to warring tribes Turkana and Pokot; founded 10 km Peace Race for 2000 warriors 2006; Oxfam world tour appeal for Darfur 2007.


[W]hen men fight, women and children suffer the most and that is why I take the responsibility to stand with the torch for peace on the arena of sports. I know well, that no matter the level of enmity, during sporting events people forget their differences and cheer as one team. My role as a woman is to take this opportunity as a good ground to preach reconciliation and install peace.” (World Pulse, Oct. 20, 2009; photo shortsupport.org)