Mehrezia Labidi


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Mehrezia Maїza Labidi born El Meziraâ, Hammamet, Tunisia December 17, 1963. Tunisian politician. Vice-President, Tunisian Assembly, contributing to new constitution, 2011. Named Honorary President, Religions for Peace, 2015.


The use of nuclear weapons and even their possession is not consistent with our religious values, moral principles, and the humanitarian law. We pray for us and for all humanity to find the wisdom and courage to banish for all time these instruments of destruction.” (Resource Guide on Nuclear Disarmament; photo Wikipedia)

Tegla Loroupe


Tegla Loroupe born Kutomwony, Lelan, West Pokot District, Kenya May 9, 1973. Kenyan athlete, world marathon champion, won NY Marathon 1994; founded Tegla Laroupe Peace Foundation 2003, bringing peace to warring tribes Turkana and Pokot; founded 10 km Peace Race for 2000 warriors 2006; Oxfam world tour appeal for Darfur 2007.


[W]hen men fight, women and children suffer the most and that is why I take the responsibility to stand with the torch for peace on the arena of sports. I know well, that no matter the level of enmity, during sporting events people forget their differences and cheer as one team. My role as a woman is to take this opportunity as a good ground to preach reconciliation and install peace.” (World Pulse, Oct. 20, 2009; photo